Official Website

Hern Loong Perniagaan Sdn. Bhd.
15, Jalan Gemilang 6, Taman Perindustrian Cemerlang, 81800 Ulu Tiram, Johor, Malaysia.
+607-861 8182
+6016-773 8208

49-M, Jalan Pandan
Indah 1/23,
Pandan Indah, 55100
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
+603-9201 5713
+6019-782 8222
+6019-790 3082

Ready Stock
+6019-778 8262

Custom Made
+6016-773 8208
+6016-781 7557
+6016-778 4240

Uniform Supplier Johor Bahru, Custom Made Uniform Manufacturer Kuala Lumpur (KL), Selangor, Ready Made Uniform Supply JB ~ Hern Loong Perniagaan Sdn. Bhd.


Uniform, an important link in corporate and brand packaging, can project corporate and brand information in an instant, including brand recognition, company spirit and image. In fact, it plays a significant role in outstanding branding.

Not only can it build a professional image, a trendy uniform can lend confidence and excitement to its wearer, spelling out corporate as well as brand professionalism and efficiency in unequivocal terms. It is the first thing that projects your brand image!

Welcome to the world of UZONE

About Us

A professional and prestigious uniform brand in Malaysia, UZONE has been the long-standing supplier of quality and impressive uniforms to local enterprises, winning a sterling reputation and establishing itself as the company of choice for national uniform designers.

An exclusive B2B brand by Hern Loong Perniagaan Sdn Bhd (63818-U), UZONE has won the prestigious Asia Pacific Top Excellence Brand Award. We are the top brand in uniform manufacturing and are proud to be the long-term supplier of quality uniforms to a substantial number of B2B and B2C enterprises in Malaysia.

Hern Loong has its own manufacturing plant. From cloth selection to production to packaging and delivery, we perfect the quality of our finished products all the way. Coupled with a high-end counter service and manufacturing spirit, we are able to ensure that every uniform UZONE manufactures meets the most demanding customer expectation!

Business Overview

UZONE produces mainly shirt uniforms, both ‘standard’ and ‘tailor-made’. The former offers a wide variety of choices in terms of design and color while the latter involves customized uniforms specific for individual corporate image, per company needs and choices.

For instance, UZONE is offering 24 series of 2017 standard shirt uniforms that are all made with top quality fabrics. It is a common practice in UZONE to replace old patterns with new ones so that only the best and hottest series are retained.

As for tailor-made uniforms, we discuss designs and cuttings with each customer, and provide various sizes for them to choose from, with the objective of creating the most suitable pattern that reflects their corporate and brand image. In a nutshell, we create the most dazzling brand image through the professional projection of a uniform. 

Production Advantages

The most overwhelming superiority of UZONE brand comes from our own factory and its complete and efficient production lines that enable us to control the quality of each batch of production. These production advantages bear witness to our brand quality.

All UZONE uniforms are 100% produced in our own factory so that everything concerning quality and efficiency is within our grasp.

Own factory production brings two major advantages:

More autonomy for the customers—everything is done per customer requirements to ensure that the uniforms look more personalized and, at the same time, project the most desirable corporate spirit, brand image and recognition.

Own factory production also accords the ability to control every production step. Moreover, we have senior and experienced tailors to check on production and finished product quality to safeguard stable quality and to make sure that we always meet production deadlines.

Powerful Backup

Initially, Hern Loong started as a fabric supplier, enjoying a good reputation in the national fabric market. When the fabric trade became a sunset industry in this ever-changing market, Hern Loong transformed itself into a uniform manufacturer, drawing a huge advantage from its mastery of fabric supply.   
Hern Loong sources its fabric mainly from Thailand and Indonesia due to the fact that fabric from these two countries is of high quality, washable, fade-resistant and does not shrink after repeated washing. They provide a steady supply of high quality fabric that is absolutely flawless.

More important, we have been dealing with these suppliers for a few decades, and they are committed to serve as our powerful backup. This means that if a customer wishes to replenish the same fabric stock anytime later, we would still be able to produce the desired uniforms with exactly the same fabric quality, without any worry about discontinued stock.  

Excellent Selection of Materials

A uniform manufacturer well-versed with fabric, UZONE is especially good at fabric selection and vows to bring in all sorts of quality fabric from abroad to produce a lot more fashionable uniforms. We are bent on giving our customers more options in terms of fabric selection.

Cotton fabric is more popular because it feels good to the touch and absorbs sweat profusely. It does not irritate the skin, feels comfortable on the body and produces very little static. Our cotton clothes is comparable to high-grade clothing and naturally exudes wonderful texture and temperament.   

High-end Counter

We have positioned UZONE as a high-end counter, the spirit of which pervades throughout our designs, tailoring, packaging and eagerness to serve, adhering to our promise of delivering a high-end counter experience on this exclusive brand. We go all out to make UZONE the No.1 uniform brand in Malaysia. 

UZONE has been strengthening its craftsmanship for years. Our tailoring insists on meticulous attention to every part of a uniform to ensure that our craftsmanship matches our high-end counter quality!

To this end, we spare no cost on materials e.g. using solid inner collar lining and giving an extra button on every uniform, like what branded clothing does. We would do everything to make UZONE worthy of its high end image.

International Accreditation

Besides winning accolades from the public, UZONE has also won international recognition—the Asia Pacific Top Excellence Award—with our B2B brand spirit and service excellence.

This prestigious award, conferred by Global Business Magazine, the most influential corporate magazine in Asia, recognized and sealed the outstanding accomplishment of UZONE.

It is worth noting that the Asia Pacific Top Excellence awardees are selected by the International Certification Committee on an entire gamut of indicators which include brand autonomy, administrative/regional influence, brand recognition, brand purchasing power, brand activity, brand impact, social responsibility, degree of internationalization, corporate growth, brand innovation etc.  





“UZONE” 是馬來西亞知名的專業制服製造品牌,多年來曾為無數企業製造優質而美感的制服,品質與服務獲得超卓口碑,成為國內最多制服設計師首推的制服製造公司。

“UZONE” 是“恆隆貿易有限公司”(HERN LOONG PERNIAGAAN SDN BHD 63818-U)獨家專屬的 B2B 品牌,並獲得“亞太傑出品牌”大獎,是大馬制服製造業名列前茅的卓越品牌,曾為無數知名 B2B 及 B2C 企業製造優質制服。

恆隆擁有自身的生產工廠,從布料選用、裁縫、到包裝發送,全線勝券在握,加上專櫃式的服務和製造精神,確保每一件 UZONE 出產的制服,都是客戶滿意的優質制服!


UZONE 制服製造以襯衫為主,分為“標準化”和“特別訂製”兩類襯衫,前者擁有多種不同設計系列及顏色選擇;後者則根據客戶的企業形象需要而量身定造個性化的制服,讓客戶依據各自企業需要而選擇。

UZONE 成衣襯衫制服,例如2017年共有24種系列,全部選用優質布料裁制成衣制服,且公司內部設立機制,每年汰舊換新,去蕪存菁,把最優質及最暢銷的制服選項留下。



UZONE 品牌最強的壓倒性優勢,是擁有自己的生產工廠,及完善和隱定高效的生產線,有效掌握生產和制服的超卓品質,讓每一件襯衫制服美感與品質,成為我們的品牌見證。

UZONE 出品的襯衫制服100%由自己的工廠生產,一切的品質和效率都在我們掌握之中。





恆隆貿易有限公司於早期為一家布料供應商,在國內布料市場擁有崇高口碑,後因市場星移物換,布料供應成夕陽行業,故轉換跑道轉型為制服製造商,而對布料的掌握和來源,更成為 “UZONE” 品牌的底氣。




作為一家熟諳各種布料的制服製造商,UZONE 向來善用布料製造制服,將來也陸續從海外引進各種優異布料,製造更多時尚美感的制服,讓客戶在制服材質上有更多的卓越布料選擇。



UZONE 秉持著專櫃高階精神作為品牌定位。我們在時尚設計、裁縫工藝、精美包裝、及體貼服務態度上,堅持給客戶品牌專櫃的高階體驗,透過各種努力把 UZONE 打造成大馬制服製造第一品牌。

UZONE 多年來不斷強化工藝精湛,提升裁縫師的精巧手藝,制服的一個部位講究得鉅細靡遺,每一個細節做得精雕細刻,絕對能媲美高階專櫃的檔次!

為追求高階專櫃品質,我們於裁縫質量上不惜選用品質優越的材質,如堅固的衣領內襯,每一件制服都有如名牌服裝配有後備鈕扣等。奮力把 UZONE 形塑成,以專櫃高階精神經營的制服製造公司。


UZONE 於過去展現傑出 B2B 品牌精神與服務,不僅獲得眾多客群讚揚,同時也贏得國際著名企業品牌認證──“亞太傑出品牌”殊榮(ASIA PACIFIC TOP EXCELLENCE BRAND)。

這項令人稱羡的品牌榮譽,是由亞洲最有影響力的企業品牌雜誌《商天下》(Global Business Magazine)頒發,以肯定 UZONE 品牌的傑出成就。

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